Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Computer Memory (Primary )|| कंप्यूटर मेमोरी (प्राथमिक) ||

Computer Memory

The memory is the one of the most important element in a computer system it is internal or external storage area which hold the data and instruction during the processing in the form of binary number.

It is also related too many devices and components that are responsible for storing data and application on a temporary or permanent basis.

 Computer memory can be classified into the two types:-
  1.  Primary Memory
  2.  Secondary Memory or Storage Device
Primary Memory
 Primary Memory it is also known as Main Memory it is the internal storage memory used by computer to whole data and instruction the primary memory is limited storage capacity primary memory holds data and programs needed that in standby CPU.

 Primary memory is volatile in nature.

There are two types of Primary Memory

  1. RAM
  2. ROM


 It stands for Random Access Memory. It is internal memory that can be read from AS well as return to .This memory is often associated with volatile type of memory it can hold data only on temporary basis because it is required continuous flow of electricity and current.

There are two types of RAM 
  1. Static RAM 
  2. Dynamic RAM  
Static RAM

It is also written as Ram it is a computer memory that requires a constant power flow in order to hold and formation as RAM is more expensive and require more power therefore it is commonly used in cash and video card memory it is faster and dynamic Ram.

Dynamic RAM

It is also written as DRAM it is stores information in cell containing a capacitor and transistor these cell must be refreshed with electronic impulse in few millisecond this process all way allows memory to keep charge and hold a data as long as needed.


In ROM Read Only Memory information one stored remain fixed it cannot be changed, So ROM can only be read and use.Generally it contains a set of startup instruction.

 ROM is further subdivided into several types
  1.  PROM   (Programmable Read Only Memory)   

 It is a computer memory chip capable of being program after it has been created but once PROM has been programmed the information written is permanent and cannot be eraser deleted.

     2. E PROM  (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)

It is a computer memory chip in which the written information can be changed or exposing to ultraviolet light (UV),It is just like a small glass circle and expose the chip that can be reprogrammed.

    3. EE PROM  (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory )

 It is EEROM that can be erased and reprogrammed using electrical charge.

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